Welcome to Stélomane: A Music Lifestyle Blog

Why did I decide to start this blog?

Simply because I love music; that is, to the point of calling myself a mélomane, which is French for "music lover" (hence, the title of this blog).

With websites like SpotifySoundCloud and 8tracks, the Internet has revolutionized the ways in which music is being consumed. It's becoming increasingly easier to discover new music, which is both a blessing and a curse.

Well, not exactly a curse, but I have certainly found it more difficult to keep up with the sheer volume of music being released nowadays. I've even noticed that I download at least a hundred new songs per week. So, this blog will be a central hub for my favorite music -- the crème de la crème of my growing library -- where you will find music of all genres, as well as reflections and opinion pieces on anything and everything music.

Music has been proven to increase productivity, lower blood pressure and reduce stress. But besides its health benefits, and most importantly to me, music allows you to incorporate a little bit of art into your daily life.

Stélomane will be a way for you to explore new sounds, and learn about artists that may inspire you as they have inspired me.