A Spring-Inspired Playlist to Keep You Positive & Productive

School and work can often be overwhelming, and we often lose sight of the big picture, or why it's important to stop and smell the roses (hence, floresthe name of this post's playlist). At Georgetown, many of us are at the peak of midterms season, and at the verge of spring break, and it's often hard to keep things in perspective. Music is what helps me to do so.

Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.
— Alphonse Karr, A Tour Round My Garden

This playlist a mix of hip-hop, instrumental and blues -- a combination that is relaxing, uplifting and hopeful. The opening song, "flowers" by TRIAD$ is my favorite in this playlist. It's warm and welcoming, with a touch of hip-hop and beautiful orchestral qualities -- and, not to mention, a sample of Nintendo's Mario. Edo Lee's "Black Coffee," like the title itself, is a song perfect to wake up to, with paradisal vibes that really hit the spot. The song "remedy" by weirddough really reminded me of Tom Misch's music (which I wrote about here), which also makes an appearance. Their music accomplishes an unparalleled feeling of classical, cool and chill that can really lift your spirits. You might be surprised about Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA," but this rendition by DRK and Swim Good is very laid-back, to say the least. And producer AudioTreats truly masters the art of colorful background sounds.

I hope this playlist helps you focus, stay positive, and remember that there's a lot more to life than the little things that we all get caught up with. And I hope you find the time to take a step back, and even if it is for just five minutes, do something you love.

Tom Misch: Curing Rainy Day Blues with the Blues

On rainy days I'm not typically the cheeriest person, but right now, sitting in a café in NYC with an almond latte and croissant, listening to Tom Misch, I'm really content.

Even before I started this blog, I knew I wanted to write about Tom Misch, a 19-year-old composer/songwriter/guitarist/singer/violinist from London, but I never knew in what context. Today -- a rainy day -- seems like the perfect way.

When I first heard "On My Mind" via Hype Machine (an awesome place to find new music, by the way), I was pretty much enthralled by his music. While the song seems simple at first listen, I think that's the very magic of his music: it's seemingly simple, but with layers of beats, instrumentals, and soul-soothing goodness underneath.

"On My Mind" is a great example of how Tom Misch manages to balance easy vocals, hip-hop inspired beats, and a bit of the blues -- a combination of sounds I've never heard before. Not to mention it's incredibly charming as well.

He plays ultra smooth guitar riffs, produces J Dilla-inspired beats (which he talks about here), and sings lyrics of his own. Although he is currently a one-man show, he recently collaborated with Carmody in their joint EP entitled Out To SeaWhile the EP is not as "jazzy," I love it for its acoustic, emotional and beautifully pure quality.

I'd describe Tom Misch's music with these words: bluesy, experimental, soulful, cool and very chilled; in other words, perfect to cure those rainy day blues. Since much of his music is instrumental, it's also great for getting a bit of work done.

And, music aside, I admire him for pursuing music for the artistry itself, rather than for the side effects that come with being a musician.

I'm a strong believer in not focusing on an image particularly, but letting the music be the sole reason people like you as an artist.

Tom Misch is one of my favorite 'artists to watch' in 2015, and I cannot wait to hear what he releases next.

Top Rainy Day Picks: "On My Mind," "Try Again," "Soul Sessions x4," "Can't Explain It," "Man Like You"
Out To Sea Favorites: "So Close," "Outro," "Release You," "Atmosphere"

P.S. Speaking of rainy days, I also made this 8tracks 'rainy day' playlist a while back, if you're interested in hearing my rainy day "classics."